Tamarind (ତେନ୍ତୁଳି) 500g

27.00 /500gm

Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L) is one of the common fruit trees found grown all over India mostly under rainfed conditions, particularly in Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa. It is also one of the most popular avenue trees which yield useful fruits and timber besides providing shade. Tamarind is believed to be native of Tropical Africa but now cultivated throughout South East Asia, Australia, America. Popularly known in Odisha as Tentuli

Importance- Tamarind fruit is an important condiment/ adjunct used as an acidic/ flavouring agent in the Indian cookery. India produces about 2.5 lakh tonnes of Tamarind pulp annually. Pulp powder and juice concentrates have a export potential in European countries.

Tamarind pulp has an excellent keeping quality when dried properly in and cured with salt. Pulp is rich in glucose (47.7% of total sugar); D-manose (24.5%) and D-maltose (20.4%). The sour taste of the pulp is attributed to Tartaric acid  (8-18%) together with malic and citric acids (2%) . The fruit is good source of phosphorus, calcium and iron. Tender leaves and flowers are also edible. Tamarind seeds yield a cheap substitute for cereal starch which is in textile industry.

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