Cabbage (ବନ୍ଧା କୋବି) 1Kg

20.00 /1Kg

Cabbage is a small, leafy biennial producing a compact globular mass of smooth or crincled leaves wrapped over each other known as head. The outer leaves are generally larger than the inner. The stem is short and stout. Plants flower generally after winter.

Leaves are low in calories (27 per cent), fat (0.1 per cent) and carbohydrates (4.6 per cent).  It is good sources of protein (1.3 per cent) which contains all essential amino acids, particularly sulphur containing amino acids. Cabbage is an excellent source of minerals such as calcium (39 mg), iron (0.8 mg), magnesium (10 mg), sodium (14.1 mg), potassium (114 mg) and phosphorus (44 mg).  It has substantial amounts of β carotene provitamin A), ascorbic acid, riboflavin, niacin and thiamine.  Ascorbic acid content varies from 30-65 mg per 100 g fresh weight.

Flavour in cabbage leaves is due to the glycoside sinigrin.  Cabbage contains goitrogens which cause enlargement of thyroid glands.

Popularly known in odisha as Bandha Kobi

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